Friday, December 10, 2010

Week 16

On Monday of this week, we discussed the movie Run Lola Run.   Some pretty interesting points were brought up.  As a class, we discussed how Lola's red hair could represent the power that she has.  We also talked about how the movie is like a video game and we are the people playing it.  The movie repeats the 20 minutes three time because it takes us three time to get to the next level.  Professor Tucker pointed out some things that I didn't realize were there when I watched it.  One thing was how the characters were first shown in the film.  They are pictured in a way so that it looks like the pictures are mug shots.  This is sometimes how characters are introduced at the beginning of video games.  While watching this movie, I was pretty confused, but after discussing it, I realized some of the purposes of the film.  The rest of the week we watched other student's presentations.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Week 15

This week we have been watching a movie.  The movie is titled Run Lola Run.  We were only able to watch the first 50 minutes of it today.  So far, the movie is about a girl named Lola and her boyfriend, Manni.  Manni accidentally lost $100,000 of his boss's money.  Now he is convinced that his boss will kill him when he comes to pick up the money in twenty minutes time.  Manni begins to plot robbing a store to get the money.  Lola tells him not to and to wait for her to get there.  Lola beings running all over the city it seems.  She goes to ask her rich father for the money but he refuses, so then she runs to Manni.  When she finds him, he is walking into a store holding a gun and preparing to rob it.  The two end up robbing the store together and then are chased by police.  Lola is eventually shot by a policeman.  Then, with some dramatically bad acting, she falls down and looks like she is dying.  Then randomly she says "stop", and the scene changes to the same scene as the one that started the movie.  Then the same sequence of events begins happening again only with some differences.  Overall, this movie was weird, but it held my attention.  I like how random it was and how it kept me guessing.